What to do if there is pain in the back under the left shoulder blade

Back pain from the back under the left shoulder blade is a serious nuisance, in which the ability to walk will inevitably be impaired, the person experiences severe discomfort. With some pathologies, even at rest, the patient experiences discomfort. Experience happens.

But it is worth noting that pain under the left shoulder blade does not always indicate the presence of a complex pathology. Sometimes it can appear due to a long stay in the same unnatural position.

overview of the disorder

If you look at the back of a human, you will see that the left shoulder blade is attached to the ribs that form the rib. Nerves and blood vessels are located in the groove between them. The ribs are formed using ligaments and muscles. is added.

The spinal cord, which contains the spinal cord, is located in the center of the back, with the shoulder blades on either side. Nerves radiate from the spinal column. Well-developed back muscles surround the shoulder blades. takes.

Lung deformity causing pain under left shoulder blade

The purpose of the bone is to provide protection to the lungs, spleen, abdomen and heart, the part of the aorta located in the chest.

Why is there discomfort in the subscapularis

Pain in the left shoulder blade is often caused by the following factors:

  • Amsay abscess. In this disorder the back pain often intensifies. It often appears after the next meal, but subsides if the patient vomits. To find out if the pain is actually due to ulcerIt is necessary to detect the presence of bouts of belching, heartburn, belching. Unpleasant sensations, pain may begin in the subscapular region on the left or radiate to the sternum. At the same time, the sick person not only has the ability to walk independentlyLoses, but also loses the ability to take a deep breath. Breathing is complicated by the discomfort that a person experiences when trying to relax. Because of such difficulties, other functional disorders, nervous system malfunctions beginIf the pain under the left shoulder blade is sharp, appears unexpectedly, it is worth calling a medical team for help;
  • Ulcer as a cause of pain under the left scapula behind;
  • Acute pancreatitis is a disorder of the body that can cause severe pain under the scapula on the left. Uncomfortable sensations always have a certain character, with this disease the pain appears to be sudden, circling;
  • Vegetative crisis. Symptoms manifest and complicate the patient's life. In addition to the excruciating pain in the posterior left shoulder bone, a feeling of tightness in the chest may begin, the patient notes fever in one place, while it is not possible to accurately identify the problem area. The sick person is often scared, anxious, suffocation appears gradually, due to shortness of breath, a feeling of the presence of a lump in the throat. Discomfort can also be felt in other parts;
  • Sometimes it causes pain from behind under the left shoulder blade due to myocardial infarction. In most cases this condition is considered life threatening. The sooner it is identified, the more effective the treatment. The problem to the sick personBurning is felt in the area, he is unable to take a deep breath. The pain in the left scapula is severe, there is no reaction to the nitroglycerin drug, this condition can last for about 10 minutes. The disease occurs during each attack. is characterized by numbness of the hand;
  • Angina pectoris and back pain under left shoulder blade
  • Angina pectoris. A pathological condition in which there is often pain in the left side under the scapula. The sensations are extremely unpleasant and sharp, which seem to compress the chest. The cause of the unpleasant condition is a change in the size of the lumen of the blood vessels. ImportantAttacks can be triggered by physical exertion, alcoholism, hypothermia of the body. To reduce the attack, you can use nitroglycerin;
  • Pathological conditions of the respiratory organs. If it often hurts under the left shoulder blade, the cause may be dry pleurisy or pneumonia. Discomfort will be observed with every attempt to cough, sneeze and even take a deep breath. PainThe direction always goes to the region of the affected lung. character can change depending on the condition of the person - pain sensations are insignificant, and, as it were, bites and even piercings;
  • Aortic aneurysm - characterized by increased load on the heart valves. The heart then ceases to perform its functions completely. Because of this, venous blood stops in the lungs and edema develops. Where the aneurysm attaches to the vesselis, the wall becomes thinner - it can break at any time and provoke bleeding in the abdominal cavity;
  • When it hurts in the back under the left scapula, the cause may be bifurcated rupture of the spleen. Such a case is considered very rare. The damage provokes the onset of abdominal bleeding, which cannot be stoppedThe disease requires immediate surgery, especially if the pain under the scapula on the left is of great intensity.

Such pathology should be recognized as soon as possible. The sooner treatment is prescribed, the more effective the fight against the disease.

a doctor who treats pain under the left shoulder blade

If the patient does not get proper help from the health workers in time, the patient will only get the progress of the disease, the result can be fatal.

Diseases of accessories, provoking discomfort

Pain under the left shoulder blade from the back can be caused by problems with the spine and other skeletal areas. Treatment will be prescribed after diagnosis. Sometimes discomfort occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis. In the initial stage of the disease, the sensations of discomfort are suppressed, the patient is not always able to clearly tell where he is concerned. In this case, the most vivid sensations are in the area of damaged nerve roots. Painful attacks suddenlyMay begin, if the patient spends some time in a hot bath they stretch and lose intensity. In the area of the cervical spine, vessels and nerves can be pinched, it is quite painful. Course of the disease Painwhich extends to the arm. Cervical osteochondrosis mainly develops in people with a sedentary lifestyle. There may be stabbing or aching pain in the scapula on the left side;
  • The intercostal nerves may be affected. This condition is said to be the main cause of back pain on the left side below the scapula. These can be aggravated by coughing, deep breathing, and even by tilting the torso to the left. They are very strong, sharp, often - there are shooting ones. With the progression of the disease, there may be burning pain in the region of the left scapula;
  • Scapular-costal syndrome is characterized by pain or pulling sensations. The localization of discomfort is usually below the shoulders, above and below the shoulder blades. The main feature of the pathology is when you move your shoulders and arms, then you hear a crunch. The cause of the disease is severe physical stress or injury to the hand, and sometimes severe hypothermia;
  • The skeleton may be affected by a malignant tumor, which causes discomfort. On the scapula, in such cases, the tumor or the resulting metastases are localized;
  • crunching scapula. Such a disease belongs to the category of rare occurrences. The pain under the left shoulder blade in this case is not strong, but a distinct crunch occurs when walking in the region of the upper back;
  • Sometimes there is pain in the left scapula due to osteomyelitis after a specific injury. For example, an injury to the arms may cause;
  • Periarthritis of the shoulder scapula. With a simple form of development, the sensations are not particularly bright - usually the manifestations of the disease occur as a result of movements. A pathology that takes an acute stage of development, in the form of an increase in symptomsIn the shoulder for this period, mobility is limited, the basal temperature rises, muscle cramps are noted.

Pain under the left shoulder blade from the back can indicate serious pathological conditions, especially suspicion arises in cases where their character is burning, stabbing.

Pregnancy and pain under left shoulder blade

Even as a result of pregnancy, this condition can appear due to excessive stress.

Attacks, when there is pain in the left scapula, can be triggered by injuries, such as fractures or cracks. Discomfort in this case is expressed as aching pain under the left shoulder blade, any strange movementcan speed it up.

Significant stressors of emotional, psychological nature, which the body cannot cope with, are capable of provoking sensations. If the sick person treats the symptoms with contempt, the severity of the condition may worsen.

Before proceeding with the treatment of pathology, it should be determined why the painful condition has arisen. It is important for the correct diagnosis to clarify the nature of the pain syndrome.

The options are as follows:

  1. Back pain, in which the discomfort localizes in only one place. A person can feel it all the time, the pain may intensify when breathing. The patient's condition is aggravated by sudden movements and coughing. This causes a gap between the ribs. is the path of nerve impulse;
  2. burning, tingling, numbness of some areas from behind to the left shoulder bone;
  3. pain caused by increased tone of the muscles of the shoulders and back can take on an increasing character;
  4. acute pain - can lead to the fact that the patient is not able to breathe, movement is difficult, it becomes impossible to lie on the left side;
  5. bite pain can be localized to the left, then moves to the center;
  6. pain under the left shoulder blade in the back, dull pain, occurs, as a rule, when raising an arm;
  7. sharp, sharp pain under the left shoulder blade;
  8. pulling sensations extending from the scapula to the lumbar region;
  9. The pain can be constant, which does not allow you to lie down, move, breathe.

Since the types of sensations can be different in different diseases, it is unlikely that we can accurately determine the cause ourselves.

Examine the back for pain under the left shoulder blade

In case of severe pain syndrome, it is necessary to consult a doctor for examination.

methods of diagnosis

When there is pain in the back on the left side under the scapula, there is a sensation of pain, you need to start treatment with a complete examination of the body. For diagnosis, the following procedures are used:

  • X-rays of the spine in different projections. Snapshots together can help identify lung problems;
  • MRI, CT;
  • ECG study - if there are appropriate symptoms;
  • ultrasound examination of organs;
  • blood tests - general, biochemistry;
  • Assessment of blood pressure, pulse.

When the patient is examined and the cause of the pathology is established, therapeutic measures are selected. Additional consultation of narrow specialists may be required.

how the disease is treated

When it is already established exactly why it hurts under the left shoulder blade from the back, and the patient cannot take a deep breath, it's time to start treatment. Methods to eliminate discomfort are determined depending on the factors. It is not enough to just eliminate the symptoms - they will soon reappear.

Each disease is characterized by different symptoms, depending on which a treatment regimen is selected. Each includes recommendations for the selection of a diet and adherence to a daily regimen, if the pain is dull, with the help of medications. treatment is carried out.

The use of conservative therapy may not bring positive dynamics - in this case, the patient requires an operation. With the help of surgery, it is possible to treat a sufficiently large hernia, correcting the condition with a ruptured spleen and abdomen. Treating ulcers.

If the patient has severe pain and burning under the left shoulder blade, constant discomfort, which increases with deep breathing, you should immediately go to the hospital. To begin with, you should contact a doctor - he will decideTo which specialist to refer the patient based on the existing symptoms.

You cannot completely protect yourself from all existing diseases, but you can try to follow some preventive measures. Pay more attention to the selection of diet, do warm-up exercises daily.

If it becomes known why the back hurts on the left side under the scapula, it's time to start treatment. Not all pathologies can be completely conquered, but in this case the course of the disease slows downIt is possible to take action on them.